image featuring a vibrant or dynamic scene on an event at Trafford Centre

Keeping you safe and secure at The Trafford Centre

At Trafford Centre, keeping you safe and secure is our number one priority. We are committed to working with our partners, including GMP who have a permanent presence onsite and Trafford Council to make this happen.

We have a range of security measures to keep you safe. Some of these are highly visible and others you won’t be able to see. They include:






Prohibited items include weapons, bladed items, controlled drugs and narcotics, and explosives. Our full code of conduct is available here:

Our security and customer service staff are here to help keep you safe. Along with our state of the art CCTV control room, they are always on the look-out for anyone who needs help, so don’t be surprised if they come and say hello.

We also work in close partnership with police to ensure your safety and security. You will see Greater Manchester Police here carrying out Project Servator deployments. These are highly visible, unpredictable deployments, designed to disrupt a range of criminality, including terrorism. They involve officers specially-trained to spot the tell-tale signs that someone may be planning or preparing to commit a crime. On some deployments, police dogs and armed officers will be involved. The officers liaise with our staff and love to talk to our visitors about what they are doing, so feel free to chat to them. Find out more about Project Servator here Project Servator | Greater Manchester Police (

You can help to keep us all safe by reporting anything that doesn’t feel right. Don’t ever be concerned about reporting anything that doesn’t feel right, no matter how minor you think it is. Trust your instincts and we will do the rest.

If you see something suspicious, please report to a member of Trafford Centre Security or tell a police officer, by using our online form to tell us about possible terrorist activity, or call the confidential Anti Terrorist Hotline on 0800 789 321. If it’s an emergency, always call 999.